DHMO Networks – What You Need to Know

DHMO Networks – What You Need to Know

DHMO Networks – What You Need to Know 2560 1707 benefitsbloc

Let’s discuss navigating the word of dental insurance which can seem like a complex puzzle at times. With so many different types of plans and networks, it’s easy to get lost in the jargon. One term that frequently comes up is DHMO, which stands for Dental Health Maintenance Organization. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about DHMO networks, how they operate, and what to watch out for, such as the potential for upcharges and things not typically covered by insurance.

Understanding DHMO Networks

At its core, a DHMO is a type of dental insurance plan that requires you to choose a primary care dentist (PCD) from its network. This network is made up of dentists who have agreed to accept the DHMO insurance in exchange for volume – they see a higher number of patients at a lower cost per patient, which is often beneficial for both the provider and the insured. The emphasis here is on preventive care, encouraging regular visits to the dentist to avoid more costly treatments down the line.

Benefits of DHMO Plans

One of the most significant advantages of a DHMO plan is the cost savings. These plans typically offer lower premiums and minimal to no deductibles, making dental care more affordable for many individuals and families. Additionally, preventive services such as cleanings, exams, and x-rays are often covered at 100%, making regular dental check-ups a no-brainer.  In addition they do not have calendar year maximums so if you encounter a year of a lot of dental expenses, you won’t hit a plan maximum.

Potential Drawbacks

While DHMO plans can be cost-effective, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider. The requirement to choose a dentist from within the network can be limiting, especially if your preferred dentist is not part of the DHMO network. Furthermore, if you need to see a dental specialist, you will usually need a referral from your PCD, which can add time and complexity to your care. Specialty care is also extremely limited in choice and you may find yourself having to drive further than you would like to access a specialist.

Beware of Upcharges

One of the critical points to be aware of with DHMO plans is the potential for upcharges. Because these plans operate on a lower cost-per-patient model, some dentists may recommend additional, non-covered treatments that come with out-of-pocket costs. It’s essential to be informed and ask for a clear explanation of what is necessary versus what is optional. It is commonly reported that initial visits to dentists to DHMO providers come out of their initial visit with treatment plans in the thousands.   Be sure to understand what is necessary, covered and optional.

Things Not Covered by Insurance

Another important aspect to consider is that DHMO plans may not cover certain treatments, or they may cover them at a lower rate. It’s crucial to thoroughly review your plan’s details to understand what is and isn’t covered. Common exclusions or limitations may include orthodontic work, cosmetic dentistry, and certain types of advanced restorative procedures. Knowing what your plan covers can help you avoid unexpected expenses. You should always get a pre-treatment estimate and call your insurance carrier to review for accuracy.

Making the Right Choice for You

Choosing the right dental insurance plan is a personal decision that depends on your unique needs, preferences, and financial situation. If you value lower upfront costs and are comfortable with the network’s choice of dentists, a DHMO plan might be an excellent fit for you. However, if you prefer more flexibility in choosing your dental care providers or anticipate needing extensive dental work, you might want to explore other options.

Tips for Navigating DHMO Plans

  • Research Providers: Before enrolling in a DHMO plan, research the network of dentists and ensure there are providers you would be comfortable seeing.
  • Understand Coverage Details: Familiarize yourself with what your plan covers and what it doesn’t, including any potential upcharges.
  • Communicate with Your Dentist: Have open conversations with your dentist about the necessity and costs of recommended treatments.


DHMO networks offer an affordable way for individuals covered under a health plan to access dental care. While they come with particular limitations and considerations, such as the need to beware of upcharges and understand what’s not covered by insurance, they can be an excellent option for many. By being informed and proactive, you can make the most out of your DHMO plan and keep your smile bright and healthy.

Remember, the key to making the right decision is to arm yourself with information. By understanding the ins and outs of DHMO networks, you’ll be better positioned to choose a plan that meets your needs and avoid any unwelcome surprises. Happy smiling! 

Common Cent$ Tips: DHMO’s can save you money as long as you are comfortable and confident in choice of network providers.  Make sure that you review the estimates for treatment and decide what you need, want and can afford.  If services are not covered by your insurance you should understand why and make a determination if you want those services or not.