The Value of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

 The Value of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

 The Value of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) 7934 5292 benefitsbloc

Let’s talk about Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)…did you know there are a growing number of organizations that have started offering these programs as part of their benefits package?  Unfortunately, despite the many potential benefits of these programs, many employees are still unaware of these resources or are not utilizing them to the fullest extent.   While estimates of utilization vary, most data suggests less than 10% take advantage of this valuable benefit. In this blog post, we’ll explore the value of EAPs and why employees should take advantage of this vital resource.

1. EAP services are no cost to you

One of the most significant benefits of EAP programs is that they are free of charge for employees. Whether you need help with personal, financial, or work-related issues, seeking assistance from trained professionals is just a phone call away. Furthermore, some EAPs offer online or app-based support, making it even more convenient for you to access the services they need.

2. Broader services available

Another advantage of EAPs is their ability to provide a broad range of services, including life coaching, substance abuse counseling, legal assistance, and work-life balance support. These services can help employees mitigate personal problems that can affect their work performance and overall well-being. By providing support for various issues, EAPs can benefit employees holistically.

3. Underutilized

The unfortunate reality is that many employees don’t take advantage of these valuable resources. According to a study conducted by the National Business Group on Health, only 7% of employees use all of their EAP benefits. It’s important to note that the low utilization rate isn’t due to the lack of need for these services, but rather to a lack of awareness of the resources available and the stigma surrounding seeking help.

4. Mental health starts with EAP and then go to medical

Mental health is one of the most significant challenges we face today. As one of the leading causes of absenteeism and reduced productivity, it’s a crucial issue that employers need to address. Because of the stigma associated with mental health issues, many employees may not be comfortable seeking help from medical professionals. With EAPs, employees can access confidential support that can help them manage their symptoms without fear of judgment.

5. The cost of not seeking help

Lastly, failing to seek help can have significant consequences for employees and their employers. Employees who don’t take advantage of EAPs may experience increased absenteeism, burnout, and reduced productivity. Additionally, untreated mental health issues can lead to more severe problems, such as substance abuse or suicide. By seeking help early on, employees can avoid these negative outcomes and achieve a better work-life balance.

EAPs are a valuable resource that many employees underutilize. By taking advantage of these programs, employees can gain access to free and confidential services for various personal, financial, and work-related issues. Additionally, seeking help early on can help employees avoid more severe problems down the line and maintain a better work-life balance. As such, employers should take the initiative to educate their employees on EAP services and encourage them to seek help when needed.

Money $aving Tip:  Use your EAP first to seek mental health services, especially if you have a high deductible health plan.    The first few visits are covered at no cost to you and they will transition you to a provider in your insurance network should you need additional care and services.