How to Save Money on Your Prescription Medications through Manufacturer Copay and Patient Assistance programs 

How to Save Money on Your Prescription Medications through Manufacturer Copay and Patient Assistance programs 

How to Save Money on Your Prescription Medications through Manufacturer Copay and Patient Assistance programs  2560 1709 benefitsbloc

Prescription medications are essential for maintaining good health, but for many, the cost of these drugs can be a financial burden. If you are an employee who is covered under a medical plan, you may be eligible for assistance from prescription drug manufacturers. These assistance programs can help reduce your out-of-pocket costs or provide free medication. In this blog post, we will discuss how to access prescription manufacturer drug assistance programs to help alleviate the cost of prescription medication.

Types of Assistance Programs Available

To access prescription manufacturer drug assistance programs, you first need to understand what assistance programs are available. Manufacturers offer various assistance programs like co-pay assistance and patient assistance programs (PAPs). Copay assistance programs are available to anyone on a commercial plan and do not have income requirements. They work like a coupon that is applied at the point of sale. PAPs are income-based and require an application approval process. While the programs differ, they both aim to help people cover their medical costs.

 Contact Prescription Drug Manufacturer

 Once you understand the available assistance programs, you should reach out to the prescription drug manufacturer and inquire about their assistance programs process. You can find the manufacturer’s contact information on the packaging of your medication or directly from your pharmacist. Additionally, if your medical plan requires a pre-authorization for your prescribed medication, there may already be an assistance program in place with your employer to help guide you to manufacturer assistance programs. The manufacturer’s customer service representative will then guide you through the application process. You may be required to submit personal information to determine your eligibility and provide supporting documentation.  

Fill Out the Required Forms

Once you contact the manufacturer’s representative, they will provide you with the necessary forms and documents for the available assistance. For PAPs, you may need to prove your eligibility by supplying proof of insurance, income tax returns, or medical bills. Ensure that you fill out the forms appropriately and submit them along with the supporting documents. The process may take several weeks; hence you should submit them as quickly as possible. After submitting your forms and documents, you should follow up with the manufacturer, mostly if you do not receive timely communication. Ensure that you keep the customer service representative’s contact information in case you need to make additional inquiries or follow-ups. By doing so, you can stay updated on the progress of your application.

Key Takeaways

Don’t rely on your healthcare professional or insurance company to identify prescription drug assistance programs that can help you reduce prescription drug costs or provide free medication. If you are an employee who is covered under a medical plan, consider contacting prescription drug manufacturers to take advantage of their assistance programs.  There are several resources to guide you with a simple internet search, you just must be self-directed if you want to save. Anytime you get a new prescription you should search to see if you qualify to reduce your out-of-pocket costs. Many assume if they have insurance, they are not eligible or they are already paying the lowest price – that is simply not the case. Follow the steps outlined in this blog post, such as understanding available programs, contacting the manufacturer, filling out required forms, and following up on your application. You can go a long way in securing the assistance you need.