How Not-For-Profit Organizations Can Help Cover Medical Costs for Specific Diseases

How Not-For-Profit Organizations Can Help Cover Medical Costs for Specific Diseases

How Not-For-Profit Organizations Can Help Cover Medical Costs for Specific Diseases 1920 1080 benefitsbloc

Having medical insurance is essential for anyone, but it can be frustrating when the plan does not cover specific services required for your condition. In many cases, this could lead to a financial burden that leaves you struggling to secure quality healthcare. In such cases, not-for-profit organizations can be of great help in providing financial assistance, guidance, and support for individuals and families affected by a particular disease. In this blog, we will explore some of the options available to individuals who need financial help for disease-specific medical treatment.

Understanding Not-For-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations are created specifically to help and support individuals and communities facing difficult times. Their services help many people every day, and they offer a wide variety of benefits, including financial aid, counseling, support groups, and education, to name a few. Non-profits are usually focused on a specific disease or medical condition, and they provide information, resources, and expert support for individuals and families affected by such conditions. The financial aid provided by these organizations is aimed at reducing the financial burden that often comes with medical treatment, whether it be for drugs, equipment, or other medical services that may not be covered under your insurance.

Types of Assistance Available

Not-for-profit organizations provide a wide range of financial assistance, including payment of medical bills, reimbursements, co-pay assistance, and direct financial aid. They may also assist with the provision of specialized medical equipment, transportation costs, home healthcare and other services that can improve the quality of life for individuals and their families.

Financial Assistance for Specific Diseases

There are many not-for-profit organizations that provide financial assistance for a wide variety of diseases. For example, The American Cancer Society provides support for cancer patients through programs like The Hope Lodge providing free overnight stays  and The Road to Recovery, a transportation service. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital provides free medical care, housing and food during medical visits and covers travel expenses for families while their children are being treated for Cancer. The Multiple Sclerosis foundation provides financial assistance for medications, medical equipment, and home modifications. Many other nonprofit organizations offer various forms of financial support for individuals affected by diseases like Parkinson’s, ALS, and Cystic Fibrosis, to name a few.

How to Access Assistance

To access financial assistance from not-for-profit organizations, you should start by doing a web search for organizations that specialize in your medical condition. From there, reach out to these organizations to request information about their programs, requirements, and how to apply. Most organizations require documentation of the diagnosis of the disease or medical condition, current financial information, and personal information. Bear in mind that not-for-profit organizations rely heavily on donations to sustain operations; therefore, applying for support should not be taken lightly. Ensure that you can provide all the necessary information and that you genuinely need financial assistance.

This author helped a family member apply for financial assistance through a cancer hospital that waived all his out of pocket copays, literally saving a few thousand dollars over the course of his treatment.  It’s worth asking what programs are available for you to apply  if you are struggling to meet the financial obligations of your care.   Even with insurance, sometimes there are significant out of pocket expenses that need to be met and there are places to go for help.

In summary, not-for-profit organizations (including hospitals) can be a valuable resource for individuals who require financial assistance in accessing specialized medical treatment for specific diseases. Their support and financial assistance can help ease the burden that often comes with managing complex health issues. If you or a loved one requires financial assistance for medical treatment, we recommend exploring your options with not-for-profit organizations. This can be a great way to improve the quality of life for individuals and families affected by serious illnesses.