Virtual Care: Receiving Care Where You Are

Virtual Care: Receiving Care Where You Are

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In today’s world, time is money, and nobody has the luxury to waste any of it waiting around at a doctor’s clinic. Because of the COVID pandemic, seeing a doctor is now easier and more convenient than ever before. Virtual care, or telemedicine, refers to receiving medical care remotely using technology. Whether you’re at home, traveling, or simply too busy to visit your doctor, virtual care can make things easier for you. In this blog post, we explore the benefits of virtual care and how you can take advantage of them.

Telemedicine/Walk-Ins Now Available

The most obvious benefit of virtual care is that it’s easily accessible. Most telemedicine portals have walk-in options available, much like typical medical clinics. This means you can see your doctor virtually as well as in-person. Telemedicine consultations can be conducted through video calls, which is a time-efficient approach. A quick video call can save you the travel time and allow you to continue your daily routine immediately after consulting with your physician. This convenience can also cut down on costs associated with transportation. It’s a win-win situation.

Other Options Available

Many telemedicine platforms have technology that allows them to diagnose certain issues remotely. For example, skin problems could be diagnosed through a clear photograph of the affected area. Testing can be conducted at home, and the samples can be sent to the lab for analysis. These options are especially useful for individuals who would prefer as little contact as possible with others during pandemics, those who reside in remote areas, or those with mobility issues.


Virtual care can provide numerous conveniences and help individuals get the care they need in the most cost- and time-effective way. While the convenience of telemedicine allows patients to attend appointments at a time that suits them, it’s important to note that sometimes the cost for the visit will be the same as an in person consultation. With in-person clinics, timing and scheduling can be challenging. Virtual care platforms typically have flexible scheduling options that accommodate a patient’s daily routine, reducing their travel time and taking away the need to alter schedules. Additionally, virtual care allows patients to access highly specialized care that previously may not have been in reach without traveling expense.

Time is Money

Time can be equated to money. Nobody wants to sit around a waiting room for hours on end. Using virtual care services means that patients are more empowered to choose when they want to visit their provider. Instead of taking an entire day off from work just to accommodate for a doctor’s appointment, virtual care offers less time away from work, improved efficiency, and less stress.

Recently, this author had a specialist appointment that was going to have to be canceled due to a last minute scheduling conflict. However, with a quick phone call to the office converted the visit to virtual and avoided a delay in care.

In conclusion, virtual care is transforming the way healthcare is delivered. Its innovative approach is making healthcare more accessible, convenient, and affordable than ever before. In a world, where time is everything, telemedicine can save you a significant amount of time and resources. Individuals covered under a medical benefit plan should take full advantage of virtual care. The availability of remote care options ensures that patients can receive the medical assistance they need, when they need it, no matter how far they are from their physician’s office. Virtual care is moving and catching up with the modern world – steer ahead and take advantage of its benefits today!